Areas of focus include:
- Choices about living and working in the community
- Personal relationships and community connections
- Services that support individual plans
- End-of-life planning
Leadership Through Personal Change
A 3-year project with the CA Department of Developmental Services, Consumer Advisory Committee to expand peer leadership and statewide advocacy. Core areas of focus: self-determination, personal and professional skill building using THINK–PLAN–DO. Choose from 15 easy-to-use learning video stories and written guides for schools, families, service providers and persons with diverse abilities. (Partners: CA DDS Consumer Advisory Committee, Board Resource Center)
Being Self-Determined: A Path to Leadership
A video with supporting materials where persons with disabilities, their families and service providers describe experiences that led them to increased self-determination and leadership. Being involved in decision making assures persons with disabilities “live their lives, their way.” It stresses the significance of early expectations and planning for community participation and inclusion. (Partners: Board Resource Center, SCILS Group)
Everybody Can Work
A DVD highlights six people with disabilities who demonstrate “work is for all,” and their employment success. Interview with Cary Griffin, national employment specialist in using community networks and social capital to obtain gainful employment. (Partners: Board Resource Center, Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center)
Work is for All — English | Spanish
A DVD and guidebook feature successful community members who speak about their employment choices and achievements. English and Spanish. (Partners: CA State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Board Resource Center)
Abuse of Persons with Disabilities: A Silent Epidemic
Persons with developmental disabilities are 4 to 10 times more likely to be victims of crime. Molly and Kecia present their stories to explain why they are speaking out to peers, advocacy organizations and the general public to raise awareness. Their video is an easy-to-understand call to action to prevent abuse of persons with disabilities. Additional webinar and fact sheet available: Arc National Center on Criminal Justice and Disability (Partners: Molly Kennedy, Kecia Weller, Afterglow Media, Board Resource Center) | Abuse Fact Sheet for Self Advocates
My Choice, My Future: Making Informed Choices — English | Spanish
An easy-to-use booklet geared for users with disabilities who are in transition from high school to adult life. With plain language and helpful graphics, it guides individuals to practice self-direction as they: THINK about their futures; make a simple PLAN; and DO what they need to get started. Completed booklet easily shared at team meetings, with family, teachers and support staff. English and Spanish. (Partner: Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center)
How I Want to Spend My Time: Making Informed Choices — English | Spanish
A user-friendly booklet for individuals with disabilities seeking person-centered adult services to support their futures. With plain language and graphic cues, it guides self-direction as they: identify how to spend their time and support needed. Provides questions to ask when choosing service agencies to support their choices and needs with a straightforward agreement page. English and Spanish. (Partner: Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center)
Feeling Safe, Being Safe (FSBS)
Training tools, curriculum and website were developed with the CA Department of Developmental Services, Consumer Advisory Committee for state and national use. Materials were tested statewide and peer advocates were trained to provide instruction using the FSBS materials and to help others prepare for emergencies. Internet webcast training program also launched for expanded outreach. English and Spanish. Project adapted in Hawaii and used in states. (Partners: CA DDS Consumer Advisory Committee, Board Resource Center, University of Hawaii)
Thinking Ahead – My Way, My Choice, My Life at the End
A DVD and workbook encourages independent choices about end-of-life treatment options, and related final wishes. Using careful plain language with graphic design, it facilitates decision-making regarding personal values and treatment preferences. Developed for persons with disabilities or low literacy skills, enabling them to advocate for themselves at the end of life. English, Spanish, Mandarin. (Partners: Board Resource Center, CA Coalition for Compassionate Care, DDS, Regional Center Coalition)
Advocating with Your Elected Officials — English | Spanish
A DVD, guidebook and presentation materials assist individuals with varying abilities communicate and advocate directly with their elected officials. Tools provide practice and preparation when sending letters or emails, telephoning or meeting with legislators and other elected officials. English and Spanish. (Partners: CA State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Area Board 9, Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center, Board Resource Center)
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
This plain language three-part video series describes the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a United Nations international treaty signed by the U.S. in 2009. The U. S. International Council on Disabilities (USICD), Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund and numerous community and political organizations across the nation encourage U. S. Senators to vote for ratification. (Partners: CA DDS Consumer Advisory Committee, Board Resource Center, USICD)