FamiliesSupporting family groups to create visions for their children’s futures that increase self-determination.
Areas of focus include:
  • Coaching, parent-partner mentoring and focused meetings
  • Planning (employment, housing, education or training, relationships)
  • Community inclusion and partnerships

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Families Creating a Vision & Building Inclusive Lives for their Children Website Content
EnglishPDF Content | SpanishPDF Content | MandarinPDF Content

Families Creating a Vision

A booklet for families who want to create visions that lead to inclusive lives for children with developmental disabilities. Read about Nick and Brissa to learn about creating a vision, building community connections and making meaningful futures happen. English, Spanish and Mandarin. (SCILS Group publication)

Partners in Community Inclusion Video Content

Partners in Community Inclusion

A facilitated parent group study, skill development and planning model for families with school age children and transition age youth with developmental disabilities. Through meetings that focus on study and discovery, participants develop strategies for long-range inclusion for their children and enhance alliances with schools, community members and service providers.

Project Hope Website Content: Advocating for Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders.

Project Hope

A website and video series with tools that guides caregivers through basic steps so they may observe, document and prepare for a visit with a mental health provider. Knowing about resources and having a plan helps caregivers prevent a crisis requiring emergency services for a person with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (Partners: CA DDS, San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center, Board Resource Center)